Professional Photos for your Hotel Website

Professional Photos are decisive for successful website presentations. Hotels rooms are sold both through rational / practical info and emotional feelings, which can be both achieved through great photos. Great photos however need to be made sure that they reflect reality and are copyright secure. There are some ways we can help you to get the right and great photos for your hotel website:

  1. First have a look at our FREE Photo Databank, there are hundreds of great photos we made with our photographers. We own the copyright of all the photos and we provide for free to our clients to use in their websites. Contact us and we will send you the link of our photo data bank. Choose the photos that are similar or suitable to your environment, or photos you think fit to your ambience. Mood photo (or atmosphere photos) such as lakes, trees, mountains, landscapes… do not need to be taken exactly from your location as long as they fit to your location environment.
  2. For the room or your hotel photos that need to reflect absolutely the reality, you need to either take the photo yourself (we offer photo retouching and image editing service to optimize your photos, in case your photos are not perfect), or you can let your local photographers to do the shootings for you. You can also check with us if we our photographer network covers your region, and if so we can send you our contracted photographers to you.
  3. You can also purchase the photos that you like from the online stock photo websites such as Shutterstock.