Order Process

The list prices do not have any hidden costs. We will always inform you upfront if there is any additional costs involved.

We however expect a complete input from our clients with regard to the content of the website to be created: text, images or videos. We will send our clients an Input Sheet, where we have all the required information pulled together with examples and explanations. Clients just need to follow the instruction and fill out the input sheet together with the images (and videos) that go together with the text. Additional or special requests can also be noted in the input sheet. For additional requests, It is always ideal that you show us examples from other websites so that it is straightforward to understand.

Photos are very important for an attractive website design. Please check out our Photo Services and Photography Services for more information. We try to make sure you have enough great input to build your website. It can also be a good idea to refer to some other hotels’ websites to collect some ideas that also suit for your homepage.

For clients however, who do not possess the time / possibility to prepare for the text and photo input themselves. Our team can get involved to help to create the content with the clients. In these cases, we will charge the hours for the work performed.